Solano Party
Solano Party - December 25, 2014
The Solano Party is held every year at Uncle Bong's house. We didn't go a few years ago because of discontentment between my dad and his brother Uncle Bong. The show still goes on, regardless and we all live our lives. We went this year with the intent to enjoy ourselves. Manu, Audi's husband bought 12 year old scotch, which I always wanted to try. This made my day as I've been binge drinking throughout the holiday vacation.
This year like very year, Manu dressed up as Santa Claus, so good to have someone dress up as Santa Claus and provide that imagination for the kids. We bought the cousins nurf guns this year and they wanted to go to the park across the street to try it out. I told the others that I'll come after I down this 12 year old scotch. Uncle Bong has this make shift fence that I thought I could clear. However, when I tried to hop over it, it was apparent that I couldn't clear it. My foot got stuck and I hit the ground pretty hard, my wrist sprained and I got some cuts. I stumbled to across the street to the park in pain. I was so sore. I'm not the 20 something year old athlete anymore I guess. Come to think of it, I'm close my 20th reunion, not that I'll go or anything.
This year at Uncle Bong's was so fun. Quincy didn't make this year which was a disappointment. I texted him a lot of times and he responded saying that he would come, but that didn't happen.