Purple Zebra
The Purple Zebra
One thing on the agenda for this trip was to buy an oversize cup. I didn’t get the oversize cup last time, but I would not be denied this time. The best place to get an oversize cup is at a store near The Linq Hotel in the shopping district called Linq. The Purple Zebra is a store that features all the oversize cups you'd want. Thus, what they have at The Purple Zebra is why I bought a big ass duffle bag for this trip and paid the $35 baggage fee.
Initially I wanted the saxophone cup at the Purple Zebra, but it wasn’t the color I expected. I then turned my attention to the 100 oz behemoth Purple Zebra cup. There is an option to buy alcohol or non alcohol for the cup, but you’ll pay an arm and a leg. I just bought a cup and carried it around the Vegas Strip like I was proud. It was a pain in the ass to lug around for a few hours while we got back to our hotel, but it was worth it.