Pentagon Memorial
The Pentagon Memorial is dedicated to the 184 people who lost their lives at the Pentagon and on American Airlines Flight 77. This was the lesser known event that happened on 9/11.
Getting there from the metro was simple enough. The walk is about 10 minutes from the station. On the way there you past the Pentagon, but can’t take any pictures. There are security guards monitoring and I think they will tell you to delete the pictures if you snap away.
It’s a picturesque scene when you get there. There are these cantilevered benches with a pool beneath it. In the pool on the floor are the names of each victim.
Surrounding these benches are Myrtle trees which will eventually grow 30 feet tall to shade the benches. There is also this age wall surrounding the memorial. Every year, the caretakers will add 1 inch to the wall. In a span of so many years, it is suppose to create some type of solitude for the memorial.